Elites Network


What our customers are saying.

We have a strong client focus and we provide more than simply financial services. We strive to give expert advice and support based on our financial expertise, as well as communicate facts to our customers. We provide independent advice based on established research methods, and our experts have in-depth sector knowledge.

All comments below are being used with the permission of the writer. Those wishing to remain anonymous are marked accordingly. If you would like to share comments or feedback about your experience in general, please email them to our support center.

EN Investment Club has always been upfront, and extremely fair with me. I feel like I can call or email anytime and they will get back to me quickly with a precise answer.

Elites Network has done the best job I’ve ever seen assembling the most honorable and ethical staff of people and Joey is an all-star player on that team. It’s always a pleasure doing business with Joey and ENIC. As far as I’m concerned, in the investor money lending business, Joey’s the man! A big thumbs up!

Mike Riley – Massachusetts, United States

We were extremely pleased with how smooth the transaction went. There aren’t many hard money lenders that can make it that smooth and easy. We can’t wait to use EN again in the near future. We have full confidence in the team and have recommended them on several occasions to business partners.

Jenny Mao — Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Elites Network gave me great advice and worked hard to earn my business. It is nice to have a lender in your corner looking out for you. They bring a wealth of knowledge as well as a personal touch so often missing from other firms. Highly recommended.

Jan Sebastian — Oslo, Norway

Hard money the easy way. Thank you to everyone at ENIC for being there for us. Without you we would not have been able to do the deals we’ve done so far and we’re looking forward to many many more. And it is not just the investment but the advice and help that has helped our business grow. The insights provided are invaluable. Thank you so much.

Ryan Watson — London, United Kingdom

ENIC make closing deals easy. With the help of your team, I’m able to increase my annual income by over €100k a year. I have used the services of EN on a number of occasions and found them to be trustworthy and extremely effective in investment affairs including strategy and growth. They have an excellent team of experts. Thank you for making the process too easy.

Jakob Russell — Stockholm, Sweden

I highly recommend Elites Network for any investor’s Hard Money needs, and as for education, they are second to none. The only regret I have is not knowing about them in 2010, I recently got their “NY only training series” and the information is amazing. I listen to the audio books time and time again and even though they were recorded in 2008, the trade predictions are so right on that is scary; I call it my Trading Bible. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us; life is good because of firms like you.

Carrie Morrison — New York, United States

EN provides an excellent lending and advisory service. I have found the company’s advice regarding investment opportunities particularly helpful – everything is explained fully, no matter how complex the subject. I am pleased to see the results in comparison to the experiences one reads or hears about in the media. I get the feeling that EN are ahead of the game.

Thomas Schneider — Zurich, Switzerland